Do carbs really make you fat? 6 diet myths - MSNBC
![]() Ninemsn | Do carbs really make you fat? 6 diet myths MSNBC - By Samantha Heller MS RD, Health Do carbs really make you fat? Diet and nutrition myths have an odd way of sounding like the truth and sticking in peoples minds. Video: Low-Carb Beats Low-Fat YOU ASKED WE ANSWERED: Dr. Shai Answers Your Diet Questions |
Vitamin supplements have been use as medicines alternative by many, including some prominent physicians, to address chronic degenerative diseases caused by oxidative stress (free radical attacks due to the use of oxygen in our body!) and other symptoms and diseases.
The use of supplements may not necessarily treat the symptoms and diseases but rather to provide nutrients to our bodies at the optimal level. Healthy cells will grow to replace the unhealthy ones and the body recovers.
According to nutritional medicine physician Dr Ray Strand, for the vitamin supplement to be effective, you must take the nutritional supplements over a long time take the dietary supplements at much higher level than the RDI use only high quality nutritional supplements - free from toxic effects and safe for use in strong dosage.
Over 100,000 deaths per year by prescribed medications In the "Journal of the American Medical Association", 15 April 1998 issue, Dr Bruce Pomeranz said, "The medication we prescribed cause over 100,000 deaths a year".
The traditional western medical approach is described as a fix-a-break approach to health.
In recent year, many MD started to believe preventive medicine and practice it. Dr Ray Strand and Dr Ross Walker, a renowned cardiologist are the two good examples.
Precautions While some experts may suggest that it is all right to use mega dosage of vitamins to reverse certain symptoms, we need to take responsibility to check out they supplements used. As not all dietary supplements are created equal, my personal choice remain at plant-based vitamins and natural products.
Please visit the author's website for further recommendation on how to use best vitamin supplements as preventive medicines.
Kim Kia Tan is an nutrition scholar and author of who provides tips and advice how to improve your general health and treat symptoms with vitamin supplements. He gives good tips where you can buy best vitamin supplements online. Get your FREE copy of Guide to Vitamin and Supplements from him at his Best Vitamin Supplements Guide website.