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Friday, July 18, 2008 

Mississippi remains most obese state, CDC reports (AP)

Two versions; cut-and-paste graphic shows the top five and bottom five states? obesity prevalence with the option to incorporate own state; map shows state rankings; three sizes; 1c x 3 3/8 inches; 46.5 mm x 85.7 mm; 1c x 3 3/4 inches; 46.5 mm x 95.3 mm; 2c x 3 1/2 inches; 96.3 mm x 88.9 mmAP - The South tips the scales again as the nation's fattest region, according to a new government survey.

Whether it's bodybuilding, power lifting, or just weightlifting, building muscle can be a challenge. Adding a supplement to your routine can make a big difference.

If you have a desire to build bigger and better muscles then do I have some "muscle food" for you. What I'm about to tell you is not just for your muscles. Read to the end and you'll see the other benefits.

Your body's most l-ornithine-hcl bulk powder energy source are amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. The one amino acid most commonly found in your blood is glutamine. It is responsible for a lot. So when your levels drop, your health can suffer.

Prolonged exercise can drastically reduce your levels by as much as fifty percent. Surgery, burns and infectious diseases can also cause your levels to drop.

For this reason glutamine supplementation is a favorite for body builders. It helps restore glycogen to your muscles, which is a power source used during exercise. It's also a "nitrogen donor," which means that it helps repair muscle. It also helps you to "bulk up" and build bigger and better muscles.

What's more, it helps your body release growth hormone. This powerful substance helps you burn fat and build muscle. It's just one of the keys to looking and feeling young again.

Glutamine also protects your heart, immune system and intestines. If you are one of the many who use NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like aspirin or Advil, glutamine becomes more then essential. As you know, these drugs can cause ulcers, intestinal bleeding or worse.

Supplementing with glutamine can help repair - even reverse - damage caused by NSAIDs. How? It is the primary source of energy for the cells of your intestinal lining. It's even been used to treat colitis, Crohn's disease and diarrhea.

And that's not all. Here's just a partial list of glutamine's many benefits:

1) It Strengthens the Immune System: It powers the cells of the immune system, including T-cells. Even under stress, it fires up your defenses and stimulates powerful antioxidants.

2) Powers the Heart: Glutamine increases endurance by creating energy for the heart. It even helps to regulate blood pressure.

3) Fights Hypoglycemia: If your blood sugar drops, it can easily break down in the liver to provide you with more glucose. This means your body won't have to borrow glucose from muscle tissue. (You'll lose fat instead of muscle.)

For building muscle, take ten grams of glutamine after your workout. For short term treatment of ulcers and colitis, I sometimes use as much as twenty grams a day. As an immune system booster, five grams should be enough.You can find it in health food store. It's best to take the powdered form in water and you don't need anything else added. It tastes slightly sweet on its own.

Dr. Ron has been teaching individuals for the past fifteen years on how to allow their own bodies to repair themselves though the use of EFT's Qi Gong, and the use of simple laws of attraction to have and maintain excellent health and well being. Feel free to call Dr. Ron for a consultation 619-697-6376. For additional information Click Here

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